ACT Alberta provides training and education on human trafficking to service providers and stakeholders throughout the province. Incidents of human trafficking often happen in plain sight, yet may go unnoticed due to lack of citizen understanding and information. The speaker will discuss the tools needed to accurately identify red flags and indicators of human trafficking and what citizens can do to safely respond to such instances. Human trafficking, charges and convictions in Alberta, as well as ACT Alberta’s victim response will be discussed.

Speaker: Jessica Brandon - Director of Programs for the Action Coalition on Human Trafficking (ACT) Alberta

Jessica has 15 years of advocacy experience with a strong focus on Human Rights. She began as a volunteer with the Action Coalition on Human Trafficking (ACT) Alberta in 2015 and took the leap from a leadership role in the tech sector to manage the Education Program at ACT Alberta in 2018. Since then, she has presented to thousands of community members and partners on behalf of ACT Alberta. Jessica specializes in the research, development, and delivery of trauma-informed curriculum for front-line service providers responding to human trafficking across various sectors, including healthcare professionals, law enforcement, government and non-governmental agencies, aviation, massage licensing, agriculture, hospitality, and post-secondary institutions.

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