Adjust the Mirrors and Turn On the Headlights: Revisiting the Current Debates on Muslims

The recent wave of terrorist attacks in France, the United States, Canada, and Australia has sent a shockwave throughout the western world, and has triggered a legitimate quest for answers on such questions as: Why are these terrorist attacks happening? Who is at fault here? Who can/should do anything about them, and what is to be done?

In the extremely sensationalized and highly politicized environments immediately after such attacks, an array of overly simplistic answers and emotional responses emerge, most of which can only exacerbate the existing problems rather than helping with finding solutions.

Relying on some similar historical experiences and with an eye on the future, this presentation will discuss and critique some of the existing responses – by both Muslims and non-Muslims – and will offer an analytical framework for a potentially better-informed and more sophisticated response.

Speaker: Dr. Abdie Kazemipur

Dr. Abdie Kazemipur, Prentice Institute Research Affiliate, University of Lethbridge Professor of Sociology and the University Scholar Research Chair in Social Sciences. Named by the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) as the 2015 recipient of The John Porter Tradition of Excellence Book Award for his recent book, The Muslim Question in Canada: A Story of Segmented Integration (2014, UBC Press).

Moderator: Susan McDaniel

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm Location: Lethbridge Public Library Theatre Gallery, 810 – 5th Ave. South

Free admission, everyone welcome.

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