Arden Shibley just returned from the Sochi Winter Olympic Games after spending more than two weeks experiencing Russia’s first attempt at hosting such winter games. In words and pictures, he will speak about and depict the nature of Sochi as a city, and the effects the Olympics had on it. He will also discuss if terrorist threats affected the mood and movement of athletes, tourists and locals alike.

Did controversial homophobic laws in Russia affect the games and people? How well prepared was Sochi for the Olympics? Was media coverage restricted in any way? What were the generally best and worst experiences for visitors and competitors at the games? With the speaker’s camera and keen observance, we get an inside look at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.

Speaker: Arden Shibley

Arden Shibley is a second year New Media student at the University of Lethbridge. He also owns a local business as a professional photographer. Originally from Calgary, Arden moved to graphic design and photography following a number of years competing as a speed skater at the Olympic Oval there.

After placing successfully in several photo and design competitions leading up to and during his first year of University, Arden became involved with local film and video productions and eventually began covering the World Cup Circuit and Olympic Team Selection events.

Carrying the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch was the start of his passion with the games and while working to find a niche in the photography industry, Arden secured funding to travel to the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games as an independent journalist.

Moderator: Dylan Purcell

Date: Thursday, March 6, 2014
Time: Noon - 1:30 PM
Location: Country Kitchen Catering (Lower level of The Keg) 1715 Mayor Magrath Dr S Cost: $11.00 (includes lunch)

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