Beyond the Wire – Advancing Civil Society in Afghanistan

In recent weeks, Canadians have witnessed the dangers that persist in Afghanistan. Alongside military dangers, Afghan women continue to face a perilous lack of personal security and basic human rights in their daily lives. Janice Eisenhauer, co-founder of Canadian Women for Women In Afghanistan, will examine the complex issues, challenges and successes for Afghan women and their families who are striving at a grassroots level to build peace and security in their country. Discussions will also address what we, as Canadians, can do to help.

Speaker: Janice Eisenhauer Janice Eisenhauer is President, Treasurer and co-founder of Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (, a Canadian human rights organization that supports women-focused development projects in Afghanistan. Janice holds an honour’s degree (1999) in International Development Studies from the University of Calgary. Her thesis focused on the empowerment of women in Afghanistan. Janice has worked full time as a volunteer for Canadian Women for Women for over five years, coordinating the daily operation and development of this internationally recognized social justice organization. She has authored a number of published articles pertaining to peace and security issues for Afghan women.

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